18 Jan 2010



"Imagine all the people living life in peace"

Do you like this song by John Lennon? Do you want to sing it?

Sing this wonderful song and watch some videos about it!

11 Jan 2010


Pupils in 6th year, do you want to have a penpal from the USA? Yes? Great!
This is possible because Kayla, our Foreign Language Assistant, can help us to find a school in Indiana! Fantastic!
Before writing the first e-mail, you should do the activities below. They are about penpals.
Are you ready? Let's go!

Penpals 1

Penpals 2

Tell me when you finish!

Good luck!

Hi, pupils in 5th year! This is a new activity for you!

You must work in groups of three and follow the instruccions!
Ready, steady, go!
A different activity: A WebQuest about wild animals

Have you enjoyed?

Now, let's remember some parts of the body!

Watch, listen, sing and have fun!

Hi, everybody!

Can you say the alphabet in English?
This song can help you!

Hi, everybody!

Can you say the alphabet in English?
This song can help you!